[turba] can not create contact list

Markus Krause krause at biochem.mpg.de
Thu Jul 12 14:38:55 UTC 2007

Zitat von Michael Rubinsky <mike at theupstairsroom.com>:

> Quoting Markus Krause <krause at biochem.mpg.de>:
>> Hi all!
>> I am using latest versions of horde/imp/turba ... and have the
>> following problem:
>> if i select some entries in "My Address Book", then choose "Create a
>> new Contact List in: "->"My Address Book" and click on "Add" i get a
>> popup window which asks me for a name for the contact list but after
>> entering one and clicking on "OK" nothing else happens, at least no
>> lists are created and also horde.log (with debug turned on) shows no
>> actions/errors. I use MySQL as DB-Backend which works with all other
>> items (regular contact entries, kronolith calendar entries, users
>> preferences ...).
>> Did I miss something important in configuration or is this a (known?) bug?
> There's currently an issue in cvs code that has to do with the contact
> field turba attempts to save the contact list name in. It's due to a
> bug in the PHP function sscanf() - if you are using a composite field
> for the name field, as a temporary solution you can try putting the
> 'lastname' field first in the array describing the composite field in
> sources.php
> If you turn up error reporting you should see an error about violating
> a NOT NULL constraint on the lastname field...
> There was also an issue a little while back regarding a js error, but
> that has been resolved and shouldn't be happening to you with current
> cvs code.

sorry for some inaccuracy in my post, with "latest version" i meant  
"latest release version", especially horde 3.1.4 and turba 2.1.4

do the mentoined problems/erros in cvs code also exists in that version?

sorry again for the confusion..,


>> Thanks in advance for any help!
>> Regards
>>    Markus
>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
>> | Markus Krause, Mogli-Soft                                       |
>> | Support for Mac OS X, Webmail/Horde, LDAP, RADIUS, MySQL        |
>> | by order of the                                                 |
>> |    Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry |
>> +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+
>> | E-Mail: krause at biochem.mpg.de  |  Tel.: 089 - 89 40 85 99       |
>> |         markus.krause at mac.com  |  Fax.: 089 - 89 40 85 98       |
>> |  Skype: markus.krause          | iChat: markus.krause at mac.com   |
>> +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+
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> Thanks,
> mike
> --
> The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
> mrubinsk at horde.org
> "Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

| Markus Krause, Mogli-Soft                                       |
| Support for Mac OS X, Webmail/Horde, LDAP, RADIUS, MySQL, Samba |
| by order of the                                                 |
|    Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry |
| E-Mail: krause at biochem.mpg.de  |  Tel.: 089 - 89 40 85 99       |
|         markus.krause at mac.com  |  Fax.: 089 - 89 40 85 98       |
|  Skype: markus.krause          | iChat: markus.krause at mac.com   |

      This message was sent using https://webmail2.biochem.mpg.de
If you encounter any problems please report to rz-linux at biochem.mpg.de

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