[turba] Contact list display error when no first or last name

Nathan Mills nathan at nwacg.net
Wed Mar 26 10:05:21 UTC 2008

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Nathan Mills <nathan at nwacg.net>:
>> On my S60 phone, I have several contacts that are businesses, rather  
>>  than individuals. The S60 address book allows the user to leave the  
>>  first and last name blank and uses the company name instead if it   
>> exists. When I synced my phone to a new Turba install, the listing   
>> code was unhappy and threw several errors related to an invalid  
>> string  index or some such. Additionally, with the default listing  
>> options,  the contacts showed up with a completely blank name, which  
>> makes  sense, since they had no name. ;)
> Can you please create a bug on bugs.horde.org with the actual errors?  
> And what versions are you using?

So, to beat a comatose horse, there was some question about what exactly 
Turba should do in this situation. As it stands, it just displays a 
blank name field, giving the user no indication as to what the contact 
is about.

My position is that Turba ought to be like an S60 phone and use the 
company name if it's available and there is no first or last name to use 
to display a name for the contact. I see some modification of the 
current behavior as necessary to make syncing with a phone really 
useful. As it stands, I have somewhere between fifty and a hundred 
contacts in Turba that show up with no identifier when browsing the list.

I'm really late opening the discussion, but what does everyone else think?


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