[turba] Turba and character set encoding

Piotr Legiecki piotrlg at sci.pam.szczecin.pl
Thu May 29 07:09:30 UTC 2008


I'm upgrading from horde2/turba 1.2 to horde3/turba 2.x and mysql 4.x to 
mysql 5.x at the same time. One of the problems I have encountered is 
bad national characters display. In my old setup it was ok (iso-8859-2), 
when upgraded to horde3/mysql5 the polish national characters 
disappeared (were incorrectly displayed). To be more specific the polish 
characters are ok when I display them using phpmyadmin or mysql cli. 
 From turba interface they are bad. When I UPDATE (using sql query form 
mysql cli) some data using national characters they are ok showing under 
cli,  but badly under turba.
OK, first I have to manually
mysql> set names 'latin2';
before those chracters are displayed properly.

My horde3 setup is localised ok, the letters I'm sending with IMP have 
good encoding.

So it looks like mysql is fine from cli, but not so fine from turba 
point of view.

I'v spend all day experimenting with this and still have no idea how to 
tell mysql to be nice to my turba ;-(


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