[turba] "requested object not found" after upgrade from 1.1 to 2.2

Giacomo Di Ciocco admin at nectarine.info
Sun Jul 6 11:00:45 UTC 2008

Hi all,
i recently upgraded turba from 1.1 to 2.2 and i used the upgrade 
scripts, i do not get any error in the logfile and i can access newly 
created contacts, i can alphabetically browse contacts created with the 
old version but when i try to open them i get "L'oggetto richiesto non 
esiste", "The contact you requested does not exist."

I thought that the problem was caused by the absence of object_uid in 
the old records, so i arbitrarily created them with:

$uid = date('YmdHis') . '.' . substr(base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36), 
-16) . '@myhostname';

But this has not solved the problem, any hint ?


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