[turba] search sources localsql not working in groupware 1.2 with my setup under contactautocompleter

Dominique LALOT dom.lalot at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 08:25:19 UTC 2008


I noticed that in ContactAutoCompleter, I was unable to use localsql 
contacts. I begun to trace the code, and my localsql source disappeared 
here in api.php
            if (!in_array($sources[$id], $addressbooks)) {

my log debugging:
Dec 10 08:51:16 HORDE [error] [turba] tracedom 2localldaplocalsql [pid 
6275 on line 1288 of "/var/www/perso/horde-webmail-1.2/turba/lib/api.php"]
Dec 10 08:51:16 HORDE [error] [turba] tracedom getaddressbooks localldap 
[pid 6275 on line 1295 of 
Dec 10 08:51:16 HORDE [error] [turba] tracedom getaddressbooks 
*adbf8cddd942d195cf686bcfdeccbc39* [pid 6275 on line 1295 of 

my debug:
    if (!$forceSource) {
        // Make sure the selected source is activated in Turba.
        $addressbooks = array_keys(Turba::getAddressBooks());
foreach($addressbooks as $mybooks){
   Horde::logMessage("tracedom getaddressbooks $mybooks" , __FILE__, 

localsql was not used after as dbf8cddd942d195cf686bcfdeccbc39 does not 
match localsql as expected in the code with the prefs setup. I suppose 
it comes from the use of turba sharing.. Obviously, I suppose, that if 
it's done by a user selecting it's sources, there will be then a match 
between the uniqueid and the "localsql" name. But I want to setup with 
most of the prefs locked

My setup:
Most of the prefs are locked, and I use localsql as explained in 
sources.php.dist except may be use_share => true. I haven't enough turba 
knowledge to known what to do.
in imp/config/prefs.php
$_prefs['search_sources'] = array(
    'value' => "localldap\tlocalsql",
    'locked' => true,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit');

Thanks in advance


Dominique LALOT
Ingenieur Systeme et Reseaux
Universite de la Mediterrane (Aix-Marseille 2)

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