[turba] problems with oracle

Ico Izquierdo ico at cc.upv.es
Mon Jul 20 16:37:28 UTC 2009

Jan Schneider escribió:
> Zitat von Ico Izquierdo <ico at cc.upv.es>:
>> Jan Schneider escribió:
>>> Zitat von Ico Izquierdo <ico at cc.upv.es>:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> Last version of Horde Groupware Webmail Edition installed.
>>>> Oracle as DataBase.
>>>> When I try to add a contact operation fails. It seems like an error 
>>>> constructing the sentence.
>>>> I appreciate some help.
>>>> Message of horde.log:
>>>> Jul 17 10:45:08 HORDE [error] [turba] DB Error: unknown error: 
>>>> INSERT INTO turba_objects (object_type, object_firstname, 
>>>> object_lastname, object_middlenames, object_nameprefix, 
>>>> object_namesuffix, object_alias, object_bday, object_photo, 
>>>> object_homestreet, object_homepob, object_homecity, 
>>>> object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode, object_homecountry, 
>>>> object_workstreet, object_workpob, object_workcity, 
>>>> object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode, object_workcountry, 
>>>> object_tz, object_email, object_homephone, object_workphone, 
>>>> object_cellphone, object_fax, object_pager, object_title, 
>>>> object_role, object_company, object_logo, object_category, 
>>>> object_notes, object_url, object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey, 
>>>> object_smimepublickey, owner_id, object_uid, object_id) VALUES 
>>>> ('Object', 'Ico', 'Izquierdo Sebastián', '', 'Sr. D.', 'el tio 
>>>> ico', 'eltioico', '1966-03-18', 'Array', '', 'Ico'0, 'Ico'1, 
>>>> 'Ico'2, 'Ico'3, 'Ico'4, 'Ico'5, 'Ico'6, 'Ico'7, 'Ico'8, 'Ico'9, 
>>>> 'Izquierdo Sebastián'0, 'Izquierdo Sebastián'1, 'Izquierdo 
>>>> Sebastián'2, 'Izquierdo Sebastián'3, 'Izquierdo Sebastián'4, 
>>>> 'Izquierdo Sebastián'5, 'Izquierdo Sebastián'6, 'Izquierdo 
>>>> Sebastián'7, 'Izquierdo Sebastián'8, 'Izquierdo Sebastián'9, 
>>>> ''0, ''1, ''2, ''3, ''4, ''5, ''6, ''7, ''8, ''9, 'Sr. D.'0) 
>>>> [nativecode=ORA-01465: invalid hex number] [pid 6979 on line 300 of 
>>>> "/srv/www/htdocs/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
>>> Looks like something goes wrong with quoting. What's the values you 
>>> entered into those fields? "Ico"?
>>> The "Array" for the photo field doesn't look correct either, but 
>>> that's a different problem.
>> Thanks for your answer.
>> Field photo and the other fields were left in blank.
>> Then "Array" is a wrong value, and too the rest of them until the end.
> That doesn't answer my question. What *did* you enter in those fields.
> And please don't top post.
> Jan.
I didn't enter nothing in those fields. I left blank. Nothing in photo 
field and nothing in the following others.
And sorry, please. I didn't know preferences in the answers.


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