[turba] Search Ldap contact not work in compose...

Ryu list-no-spam at ryux.org
Thu Aug 6 08:10:51 UTC 2009

Hi all,

My problem is the same as on this bug report :


"There's no resultset, (using Ldap catalog), when I try to search a
contact in compose window or portal window. But, the search it's OK on
normal contacts window."

I try to debug and here are the trace :

LDAP query by Turba_Driver_ldap::_search():

user = ryu, root = ou=famille,ou=contacts,dc=exemple,dc=fr (mail.exemple.fr);
filter =  

attributes = "dn, uid, givenname, sn, surnom, dateDeNaissance,  
jpegPhoto, street, postalCode, l, c, workStreet, workPostalCode,  
workCity, workCountry, mail, workMail, otherMail, adresseIM,  
homephone, telephonenumber, mobile, operateur, workCellPhone, voip,  
facsimiletelephonenumber, workFax, title, o, categorie, description,  
labeledURI, object_pgppublickey, object_smimepublickey";

deref = "0"  ;
sizelimit = 200

And the sources.php search attributes...

'search' => array(
      'strict' => array(
      'approximate' => array(

If I try this filter, the result is ok. That is fortunately normal !

user = ryu, root = ou=famille,ou=contacts,dc=exemple,dc=fr (mail.exemple.fr);
filter =  

So I don't understand why this AND clause...

Any idea ?

Thanks !

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