[turba] What is the status of Turba (contact fields) ?

Rolf Gloor thunderbird at glr.ch
Thu Dec 3 15:30:56 UTC 2009


My provider is running the horde framework.

Now, I try to use that as my cloud service. Synching with my desktop, as 
well as my smartphone. (As soon as all plug-ins / SyncML clients are 

One problem is the limited number of contact fields.
I am missing many fields (like addresses, beside home and business also 
other; many more phone, fax and other numbers / fields.)
My present AB has over 2'000 contacts. And I do not want to loose 
critical informations.
Eg. I have used the phone numbers like:
- business general main or office phone number
- business 2 as direct dial phone number
- and so on.

It would be to much work to go through all the over 2'000 contacts to 
edit the content.

I hope the solution is a better support for many more fields on the 
Turba side.

There was a page in the wiki    http://wiki.horde.org/TurbaOutlook2003 
which is not available anymore (only shows blank page).
However, my ISP will anyway not change the horde setup, just for me.

Now some questions:
a) Since above mentione TurbaOutlook2003 page has gone, does that mean, 
that Turba 2.3.2 includes now all those fields?

b) If not, when will it be available? (approx.)

Since many people (like me) are (still) running MS Outlook versions, 
Turba would be used on a much wider base if all contact information 
would nicely sync. (Turba - MS Outlook)

Thanks in advance for your information and advice.

Greetings from Switzerland,

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