[turba] fresh install 2.3.5 mysql weirdness

Chris Flav chris.flav at yahoo.ca
Sun Nov 28 14:13:42 UTC 2010


Where do I see that?  The SELECT?  

"WHERE (object_type = 'Group' AND owner_id = 'cflav')"

If you look at my select * from turba_objects, the third field that gets saved 
in my table is "Object".  What is clear is that I can't search and find contacts 
with the simple search, and the advanced search shows them as clickable but they 
fail when I click them.

I am clearly doing something wrong, however I wipe my turba install and generate 
from horde the conf.php without changing anything and reinstall with no luck.

Is there anything else I should be looking at?

----- Original Message ----
From: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
To: turba at lists.horde.org
Sent: Sun, November 28, 2010 8:52:58 AM
Subject: Re: [turba] fresh install 2.3.5 mysql weirdness

Zitat von Chris Flav <chris.flav at yahoo.ca>:

> Now, it is looking for "object_type="group"", however it is saved in the db as
> object_type "Object";

Where do you see that? I don't:
91 Query       SELECT object_id, object_type, owner_id, object_nameprefix, 
object_firstname, object_middlenames, object_lastname, object_namesuffix FROM 
turba_objects WHERE (object_type = 'Group' AND owner_id = 'cflav')

> mysql> select * from turba_objects;
> | object_id                        | owner_id | object_type |
> object_uid                                        | object_members |
> object_firstname | object_lastname | object_middlenames | object_nameprefix |
> object_namesuffix | object_alias | object_photo | object_phototype | 
> | object_homestreet | object_homepob | object_homecity | object_homeprovince |
> object_homepostalcode | object_homecountry | object_workstreet | 
> | object_workcity | object_workprovince | object_workpostalcode |
> object_workcountry | object_tz | object_geo | object_email | object_homephone 
> object_workphone | object_cellphone | object_fax | object_pager | object_title 
> object_role | object_logo | object_logotype | object_company | object_category 
> object_notes | object_url | object_freebusyurl | object_pgppublickey |
> object_smimepublickey |
> | 74c773c81df954eaf2b0bfddb682abd9 | cflav    | Object      |
> 20101126152313.225210y7w1lvc4z4 at nat.localhost.localdomain | NULL           |
> test             | test            |                    |
> |                   |              | NULL         | NULL             |
> NULL        |                   |                |
> |                     |                       |
> |                   |                |                 |
> |                       |                    |           | NULL
> |              |                  |                  |
> |            |              |              |             | NULL        |
> NULL            |                |                 |              |
> |                    |                     |                       |
> So out of the box I seem to hit a wall.  Any tips?
> Thanks,
> C. Flav

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