[turba] Turba claims not to be activated after upgrading to horde4

Jens Pranaitis pranaitis at phil.hhu.de
Tue Aug 9 11:56:24 UTC 2011

On 09.08.2011 13:44, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Jens Pranaitis <pranaitis at phil.hhu.de>:
>>> You are using an LDAP address book, but the user DN cannot be found.
>> Thanks for the quick reply. AFAIK I haven't configured a LDAP address
>> book. conf.php is set to use localsql and all ldap backends in
>> backends.php are disabled. Any idea what I could be missing?
> Something *is* using LDAP. Looking at the error again, this seems to be
> the groups backend.

Thanks! I hadn't configured the groups backend, setting the correct 
options for my LDAP server fixed the error. Thanks a lot for pointing me 
in the right direction.

> Jan.

Kind Regards,
Jens Pranaitis

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