[turba] Upgrading Turba 2.3.2 -> 3.0.10 (Stable)

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Nov 29 23:05:35 UTC 2011

Quoting zBit <zbit at centrum.cz>:

> Hello,
> We need to upgrade our Horde webmail (H3.3.5 + I4.3.5 + T2.3.2)  
> because of several problems (e.g. regarding attachments).
> So far I have deployed new stable installation (H4.0.11 + I5.0.14 +  
> T3.0.10) using the preferred way - pear - on our development
> machine, changed a little overall settings using the Horde GUI  
> administration site. As far as Turba is concerned, I merely renamed
> sources.php to backends.php. The conf.php file as well as other  
> Turba configuration files seem to be almost the same in both old
> and new installations. I have imported old data into new database  
> and run all available migrations from within the GUI administration.
> The migrations finished without any problem as I can tell. Having  
> both Horde and IMP ready I logged into an random e-mail account
> but the address book looked pretty empty. Whatever account I choose  
> its contact list is empty. I read all available (faq/install/upgrade)
> guides but did not stumble accross something interesting in my  
> problem. Therefore I have enabled debug while clicking on the
> addressbook and it generated quite different SQL queries for both  
> old and new installation. I do not know what should be wrong with
> my configuration or where else to look at. Do you have any idea?
> HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::getAttributes():  
> SELECT datatree_id, attribute_name AS name, attribute_key AS
> "key", attribute_value AS value FROM horde_datatree_attributes WHERE  
> datatree_id IN (*, *, *) [pid * on line 1085 of  
> "horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
> HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL query by Turba_Driver_sql::_search():  
> SELECT object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members, object
> _uid, object_firstname, object_lastname, object_middlenames,  
> object_nameprefix, object_namesuffix, object_alias, object_bday,  
> object_homestreet
> , object_homepob, object_homecity, object_homeprovince,  
> object_homepostalcode, object_homecountry, object_workstreet,  
> object_workpob, object_wo
> rkcity, object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode,  
> object_workcountry, object_tz, object_email, object_homephone,  
> object_workphone, object_cel
> lphone, object_fax, object_pager, object_title, object_role,  
> object_company, object_category, object_notes, object_url,  
> object_freebusyurl, obj
> ect_pgppublickey, object_smimepublickey FROM turba_objects WHERE  
> (owner_id = ? AND (LOWER(object_email) LIKE LOWER(?))) [pid * on  
> line 168
> of "horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
> DEBUG: HORDE [turba] SQL SELECT object_id, object_type, owner_id,  
> object_nameprefix,
>           object_firstname, object_middlenames, object_lastname,
>           object_namesuffix FROM turba_objects WHERE (owner_id =
>           'login at domain.xy') [pid * on line 803 of  
> "/usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php"]
> DEBUG: HORDE [turba] SQL SHOW FIELDS FROM `turba_objects` [pid * on  
> line 803 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php"]
> DEBUG: HORDE [turba] SQL SELECT object_id, object_type, owner_id,  
> object_nameprefix,
>           object_firstname, object_middlenames, object_lastname,
>           object_namesuffix FROM turba_objects WHERE (object_type =  
> 'Group' AND
>           owner_id = 'some at email.org') [pid * on line 803 of  
> "/usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php"]

Looks like you didn't migrate the share data from the datatree to one  
of the sql share drivers. See the UPGRADING file for Horde and Turba.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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