[turba] turba 3.0.13 with Kolab backend

Mat Cantin mat at cantinbrothers.ca
Tue May 29 16:35:36 UTC 2012

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Is Kolab no longer supported?
> Not in Horde 4. Kolab will be supported again in Horde 5.

That's really unfortunate. I just spent way too much time trying to  
get this to work.

Why is it claimed to be supported on the main Turba page:  
http://www.horde.org/apps/turba ? In fact, I just saw an announcement  
this morning for a new Turba version on this mailing list that again  
mentions Kolab support.

I guess this means that those of us that use the kolab platform are  
stuck with Horde3 for now. And I was really looking forward to  
ActiveSync support. :-)

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