[turba] [Fwd: [Tickets #11939] Re: turba does not syncrhonise all fields]

Pierre adelium904 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 15:54:20 UTC 2013

Hi All,

There is a big issue in syncing contacts.
When  I sync contacts between my phone (Galaxy note 2 with Android
4.1.1) and horde, between my computers (Linux, Evolution and application
to sync is sync-ui) and horde, I loose data. I have investigated a while
and found that there are mistake in the table "Turba_Objects" and its
definition and in the sync process. At this stage, I do not knows if the
sync process issue comes from the clients or from horde???

I made an odt table to show the issue. Explanation of the color in the
odt file is under.
Red => not working from where it is red to the other device.
green => working fine.
orange => dodgy???

To sum up a bit:

Sync from my phone to horde:

- the following phone number are not sync: "other phone", "office fax",
"main office phone", "other fax", "main phone", "other office phone".
- the following email are not sync if "other email" is not empty:
"office email", "home email".
-None of the IM information are sync????
-For all the adresses, none of the neighborhood info are sync. I do not
request it to work, just for info...
- Home and office adresses are well sync but not the "other adresses"
- the nickname goes to the "object_alias" instead of "object_nickname",
why? what is the use of "object_alias" if there is already a
"object_nickname" in the table????
- home and work website field are not sync. Other website field goes to
"object_url", this is the only one to remain in the sync process, why?

sync from horde to android:

- same as above with "object_alias", why not sync with
- the photos are not sync from horde to the phone??? the other way is
- object email goes to the "other email" field in the phone. trouble
- "Object_fax" goes to the "other fax" field. Is it possible to have
"other fax and "home fax" and "work fax"???
- "Object_url" (web site) goes to the "other web site" field. same as
- No IM sync in that way too???

sync from Evolution with sync-ui application:

- Same as with android, nickname goes to "object_alias" instead of
- In evolution, there are 17 possible field. "Home phone", "Office
phone", Cellphone, pager and "home fax" are syncing fine. But not "Other
phone", "Office fax", "main phone". Same as with android, Other fax goes
to "Object_fax". for the rest of the field I do not care...
- Same as for android, "other email" is synced with "object_email".
Can't we sync the other 2 ones ("home email" and "office email")?
- none of the IM information are sync???
- those info about work are not sync, Title and department???
- The other adresses fields are not sync????

Sync from Horde to Evolution with sync-ui application:

- same as with android, "object_alias"=> nickname???
- photos are not sync???
- I do not know where "object_email" is synced with in evolution. I have
not yet tried???
- Same with "object_fax"???
- "assistant_phone" is not sync???
- "Object_nickname" is not sync too??? It seems this field is a double
up of "object_alias"???
- no IM information is synced???

Is there a way to correct those bus as soon as possible. Let me know if
you need further help..




-------- Message transféré --------
De: noreply at bugs.horde.org
À: adelium904 at gmail.com
Sujet: [Tickets #11939] Re: turba does not syncrhonise all fields
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2013 22:34:29 +0000


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11939
  Ticket             | 11939
  Updated By         | Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
  Summary            | turba does not syncrhonise all fields
  Queue              | Turba
  Version            | 4.0.1
  Type               | Bug
-State              | Unconfirmed
+State              | Not A Bug
-Priority           | 2. Medium
+Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          | Turba 4.0.1
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> (2013-01-07 22:34) wrote:

Please use the mailing list to ask for support.

http://www.horde.org/mail/ contains a list of all available mailing lists.

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