[turba] [api] $registry->contacts->search

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Sep 14 15:06:57 UTC 2013

Quoting Jonah Dekeyzer <jonah at menzz.be>:

> I want to make use of the turba API in order to search for items in  
> my adresbook in an own module 'advocaat'.
> Turba has an adresbook with the sourcename 'advocaat' with several contacts.
> When I use the contacts->search api I get en empty result, even  
> looking for 'a' .
> My php-file looks like this:
> <?php
> require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/Application.php';
> Horde_Registry::appInit('advocaat');
> $term = $_GET['term'];
> $args = array('sources' => array('advocaat'),
>               'names' => array('a'),
>               );
> $cns = $registry->contacts->search($args);
> Has my code an error?

1) What is $term? It's not used anywhere.
2) Related to 1, you are not passing the search term correctly.

It should be something like this:

$registry->contacts->search($search_term, array('fields' =>  
array('fields', 'to', 'search'), 'sources' => array('advocaat')));

You should look at turba/lib/Api.php Turba_Api::search() for all the  
options and the method signature.

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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