[turba] Unknown column 'object_category'
Simon B
simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Fri Dec 27 10:55:01 UTC 2013
I'm not sure which update prompted this error, but since the last time
I used the addressbook (about 3 weeks ago), this has come up.
Basically clicking on a contact name to view/edit a contact results
QUERY FAILED: Unknown column 'object_category' in 'field list' SELECT
object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members, object_uid,
object_firstname, object_lastname, object_middlenames,
object_nameprefix, object_namesuffix, object_alias, object_bday,
object_anniversary, object_spouse, object_photo, object_phototype,
object_homestreet, object_homepob, object_homecity,
object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode, object_homecountry,
object_workstreet, object_workpob, object_workcity,
object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode, object_workcountry,
object_department, object_tz, object_email, object_workemail,
object_workphone, object_cellphone, object_workcellphone,
object_homephone, object_homefax, object_assistantphone, object_fax,
object_pager, object_title, object_role, object_company, object_logo,
object_logotype, object_category, object_notes, object_url,
object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey, object_smimepublickey,
object_imaddress, object_imaddress2, object_imaddress3 FROM
turba_objects WHERE object_id IN ('JkH3OFyZnp9OhjnOp7IHy_A') AND
owner_id = 'simon at example.net
The admin panel says all DB schemas are up to date. What do I do now
- how do I debug this?
Adding a test contact results in this error:
There was an error adding the new contact. Contact your system
administrator for further help
(On that note thank you so much for renabling the copy of error messages)! :)
The horde log has:
2013-12-27T10:49:13+00:00 ERR: HORDE-BETA [turba] SQL QUERY FAILED:
Unknown column 'object_category' in 'field list'
INSERT INTO turba_objects (object_type, object_firstname,
object_lastname, object_middlenames, object_nameprefix,
object_namesuffix, object_alias, object_bday, object_spouse,
object_anniversary, object_photo, object_homestreet, object_homepob,
object_homecity, object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode,
object_homecountry, object_workstreet, object_workpob,
object_workcity, object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode,
object_workcountry, object_tz, object_email, object_workemail,
object_homephone, object_workphone, object_cellphone,
object_workcellphone, object_fax, object_homefax, object_pager,
object_assistantphone, object_imaddress, object_imaddress2,
object_imaddress3, object_title, object_role, object_company,
object_department, object_logo, object_category, object_notes,
object_url, object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey,
object_smimepublickey, owner_id, object_uid, object_id) VALUES
('Object', 'Test', 'Test', '', '', '', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '', '', '', '',
'', '', 'simon at example.net',
'20131227104913.zK84QldIFYywwskhVrr7Ag5 at webmail.lydiard.net',
'LEgCLy_TDylHPNSMvdK14w5') [pid 20344 on line 315 of
2013-12-27T10:49:13+00:00 ERR: HORDE-BETA [turba] QUERY FAILED:
Unknown column 'object_category' in 'field list'
The only thing I notice - and this is weird, is when I go to the
configuration options for Turba it's showing my address books as
options for the client and gal addressbooks. Is this normal?
Address Book (turba) 4.2.0-git
SQL DB schema is ready.
Application is ready.
Horde (horde) 5.2.0-git
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