[turba] Turba - Can't use homeemail or workemail objects

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Fri Dec 27 18:12:44 UTC 2013


In the latest stable release of turba, I've added this to my  
backends.local.php file.

$cfgSources['localsql']['map']['homeEmail'] = 'object_homeemail';
$cfgSources['localsql']['map']['workEmail'] = 'object_workemail';

Taken from this in backends.php
         // 'homeEmail' => 'object_homeemail',
         // 'workEmail' => 'object_workemail',

This adds the Home Email and Work Email fields to a contact.  When I  
add email addresses to those fields, I can't send an email to this  
contact.  The contact actually isn't visible.  The contact only  
becomes visible when I add info to the Email field, and the  
information in Home Email and Work Email isn't displayed as possible  
addresses to use for this contact.  I checked the email and emails  
information in attributes.php to the two above, and the information is  
the same.

If I add multiple email addresses to the Email field, when I choose  
the user, I can see both addresses entered, and I'm able to select  
which one I want to use.  My question is, should I be able to use the  
Home Email and Work Email fields for a contact, and be able to select  
the email address to send a message to, or are these fields used for  
something else?

Thanks again,


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