[turba] Unknown column 'object_category'

Simon B simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 11:49:27 UTC 2013

On 27 December 2013 15:18, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Simon B <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>> Hi
>> I'm not sure which update prompted this error, but since the last time
>> I used the addressbook (about 3 weeks ago), this has come up.
>> Basically clicking on a contact name to view/edit a contact results
>> in:
>> QUERY FAILED: Unknown column 'object_category' in 'field list' SELECT
>> object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members, object_uid,
>> object_firstname, object_lastname, object_middlenames,
>> object_nameprefix, object_namesuffix, object_alias, object_bday,
>> object_anniversary, object_spouse, object_photo, object_phototype,
>> object_homestreet, object_homepob, object_homecity,
>> object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode, object_homecountry,
>> object_workstreet, object_workpob, object_workcity,
>> object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode, object_workcountry,
>> object_department, object_tz, object_email, object_workemail,
>> object_workphone, object_cellphone, object_workcellphone,
>> object_homephone, object_homefax, object_assistantphone, object_fax,
>> object_pager, object_title, object_role, object_company, object_logo,
>> object_logotype, object_category, object_notes, object_url,
>> object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey, object_smimepublickey,
>> object_imaddress, object_imaddress2, object_imaddress3 FROM
>> turba_objects WHERE object_id IN ('JkH3OFyZnp9OhjnOp7IHy_A') AND
>> owner_id = 'simon at example.net
>> The admin panel says all DB schemas are up to date.  What do I do now
>> - how do I debug this?
>> Adding a test contact results in this error:
>> There was an error adding the new contact. Contact your system
>> administrator for further help
>> (On that note thank you so much for renabling the copy of error messages)!
>> :)
>> The horde log has:
>> 2013-12-27T10:49:13+00:00 ERR: HORDE-BETA [turba] SQL QUERY FAILED:
>> Unknown column 'object_category' in 'field list'
>>         INSERT INTO turba_objects (object_type, object_firstname,
>>           object_lastname, object_middlenames, object_nameprefix,
>>           object_namesuffix, object_alias, object_bday, object_spouse,
>>           object_anniversary, object_photo, object_homestreet,
>> object_homepob,
>>           object_homecity, object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode,
>>           object_homecountry, object_workstreet, object_workpob,
>>           object_workcity, object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode,
>>           object_workcountry, object_tz, object_email, object_workemail,
>>           object_homephone, object_workphone, object_cellphone,
>>           object_workcellphone, object_fax, object_homefax, object_pager,
>>           object_assistantphone, object_imaddress, object_imaddress2,
>>           object_imaddress3, object_title, object_role, object_company,
>>           object_department, object_logo, object_category, object_notes,
>>           object_url, object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey,
>>           object_smimepublickey, owner_id, object_uid, object_id) VALUES
>>           ('Object', 'Test', 'Test', '', '', '', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL,
>> '',
>>           '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
>> '',
>>           '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '', '',
>> '', '',
>>           '', '', 'simon at example.net',
>>           '20131227104913.zK84QldIFYywwskhVrr7Ag5 at webmail.lydiard.net',
>>           'LEgCLy_TDylHPNSMvdK14w5') [pid 20344 on line 315 of
>> "/usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Db/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php"]
>> 2013-12-27T10:49:13+00:00 ERR: HORDE-BETA [turba] QUERY FAILED:
>> Unknown column 'object_category' in 'field list'
>> The only thing I notice - and this is weird, is when I go to the
>> configuration options for Turba it's showing my address books as
>> options for the client and gal addressbooks.  Is this normal?
>> Address Book (turba) 4.2.0-git
>> SQL DB schema is ready.
>> Application is ready.
>>  Horde (horde) 5.2.0-git
> Categories were removed in Turba 4.2, and the schema was updated
> accordingly. You probably need to remove the category attribute from your
> backends.local.php config.
> Looks like this still needs to be documented in turba/docs/UPGRADING.

Thanks Michael - that fixed that perfectly.


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