[turba] Is there a way to sync with a shared address book? It used to work before V4.2 but it seems to have stopped working for me. I would select the shared book along with the user's book and it would sync to mobile devices.

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Jul 12 17:39:04 UTC 2014

Quoting gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:

> Is there a way to sync with a shared address book?  It used to work  
> before V4.2 but it seems to have stopped working for me.  I would  
> select the shared book along with the user's book and it would sync  
> to mobile devices. Now only the user's book gets synced.
> I have set the same read only address book as the "Exchange GAL" in  
> the configuration settings for Turba but that doesn't seem to work  
> either when testing with an iphone 4s.
> Thank you kindly,

This is probably related to the multiple address book support. If you  
want to sync all address books you have read/write permissions to you  
need to make sure they are selected as a sync source in turba's  
preferences. If you want to attempt to synch them as individual  
address books select the separate source pref in turba, otherwise they  
will be combined into a single address book before being sent to the  
client. You might need to reset the client account after changing  
these prefs.

The Horde Project
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