[turba] Setting Preference for sync_books

Lincoln Lavoie lylavoie at iol.unh.edu
Fri Jul 25 20:08:38 UTC 2014

Hello All,

I'm trying to setup our Horde/Turba install to automatically sync two 
address books (the users default directory and an LDAP of our employees) 
with their ActiveSync devices.  I can create a working prefs_init hook, 
which will set the value of sync_books correctly. But I have two questions.

1.  The values set by the prefs_init hook outputs are only cached, they 
do not write the value to the backend (mySQL in this case). Making a 
call to $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue('sync_books', $sync_books); does not 
write the value to the backend.  Is there a correct way to use a hook to 
make the preference value persistent?

2. Related to question 1, the prefs_init for Turba seems to only be 
called within the Turba name space.  I would like to support users who 
connect an ActiveSync device, but have not logged into the web 
framework.  Is there a hook system for ActiveSync that could be used to 
set these types of values on login.

Thanks in advance for any help or a push in the right direction.

*Lincoln Lavoie*
Senior Engineer, Broadband Technologies
121 Technology Drive, Suite 2, Durham, NH 03824
www.iol.unh.edu <http://www.iol.unh.edu>
Mobile: +1-603-674-2755
Email: lylavoie at iol.unh.edu <mailto:lylavoie at iol.unh.edu>

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