[turba] Sogo Integrator + Thunderbird + Horde 5.2 + ActiveSync

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Oct 20 09:22:08 UTC 2014

Zitat von grupo correo <grupodecorreo10 at gmail.com>:

> Good evening guys.
> I would like to ask something about a problem i have.
> In my cellular devices (Iphone and Android) i have all my contacts
> synchronized with my horde installation with ActiveSync (Android) and
> CardDAV (Iphone). If i modify one of my contacts with my Iphone, my Android
> phone and my webmail works fine, this modifications appears right. Same
> results for Iphone and webmail if i modify something in Android. But Sogo
> doesn't reconize the changes. Always says "No Changes", There's no error in
> logs. The only way that i have for do the Changes in sogo is to edit the
> contact and save with no changes.
> Here there is a table with the tests and results.

This is not really a readable table.

> Results modifying contact in Android or Iphone without editing the same
> contact in Webmail
>   Synchonized in Android
> Synchonized in Iphone
> Synchonized in Webmail
> Synchonized in Sogo
> Edited In Android (ActiveSync)
>   YES
> NO
> Edited in Iphone (CardDav)
>   YES
> NO
> Edited in Webmail
>   YES
> Edited in Sogo
>  Results modifying contact in Android or Iphone and then the same contact
> is edited and saved without changes in Webmail
>   Synchonized in Android
> Synchonized in Iphone
> Synchonized in Webmail
> Synchonized in Sogo
> Edited In Android
>   YES
> NO, but if i edit and save the same contact in webmail with no changes,
> only "Modify" and "Save" YES
> Edited in Iphone
>   YES
> NO, but if i edit and save the same contact in webmail with no changes,
> only "Modify" and "Save" YES
> Edited in Webmail
>   YES
> Edited in Sogo
>  My Horde Groupware Version is 5.2.2. Turba 4.2.2, Sogo Connector 31.0,
> Thunderbird 31.1.2
> If a modify a contact in Turba directly, Sogo synchronizes right.
> Any idea?
> Regards.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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