[turba] Cannot import CSV Adressbook

Ferdinand Gruber fer.grub at yahoo.de
Fri May 29 22:39:28 UTC 2015

I tried to to import the Thunderbird Adressbook into Turba.
I exported TB Adressbook as CSV
But now I am not able to import the data into turba.

I tried some variants.

Thunderbird does not make quotes at the beginning and at the end of each 
data item. Therefore I loaded the CSV into LibreOffice Calc and exported 
with quotes.
But nothing helped.

The Import tool of turba does not show the field list of the imported 

May be, I am too stupid ...

Please help, I spent some hours for this problem without solution.

Please, give me an example of a file with some records, so that I can 
see, how the data have to be formatted, so that the import is possible.

Greetings from Austria
Ferdinand Gruber

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