[turba] CardDAV: OS/X contacts and multiple Mobile Phone

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Nov 3 17:26:30 UTC 2015

Quoting Horst Simon <horst.simon at optusnet.com.au>:

>> On 03 Nov 2015, at 02:40, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
>> Quoting Horst Simon <horst.simon at optusnet.com.au>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I added in backends.local.php a second cellphone object as  
>>> 'homeCellPhone' => 'object_homecellphone’, and too added the  
>>> object in the SQL database to the turbo_objects. This object is  
>>> already defined in attributes.php.
>>> It works fine in the Webmails address book and it initial  
>>> synchronises with the OS/X Contacts using CardDAV, but I see the  
>>> same issue as described in Ticket #14046 when syncing additional  
>>> E-Mail Fields with CardDav, which is fixed, can the same be  
>>> applied to the Mobile Phone fields?
>>> I checked with an EGroupware server, they have too two Mobile  
>>> phone fields and sync one field with the mobile field and the  
>>> other with the iPhone field on OS/X contacts, can something  
>>> similar be done in Turba?
>> Can you please explain *exactly* what you are seeing?  The issue  
>> with the email field you reference was happening when there is only  
>> a general "email" field defined that is not a "work" or "home"  
>> field, but the imported VCARD may contain a specific type. In your  
>> case, it sounds to me like your phone mappings do not match the  
>> mappings from the data source you are importing from. I.e., it  
>> looks like you have only specific types defined, so maybe your  
>> imported vCARD contains only a generic PHONE type? If you can  
>> provide a vCard file too, that would be helpful.
>> --
>> mike
> As explained, I have added the homeCellPhone attribute as described.  
> Now when I have an entry on the Horde address book in Home Mobile  
> Phone only it shows up on the OS/X Contacts client in mobile. If I  
> motive this card on the client it will duplicate this phone number  
> and it is shown twice as mobile. When I check now the Horde Address  
> Book it shows the same number in Mobile Phone and Home Mobile Phone.  
> If I have only one entry in the Mobile Phone attribute it will not  
> be duplicated and if I have different phone numbers in it it too  
> shows up correct on the OS/X contacts list, but both show up under  
> mobile.
> Following is the vCard before Client (OS/X Contacts) edit exported von Horde
> UID:20151103090606.TyESyhrsEXKe9kKHPbpyIgz at macbook.hsconsulting.com.au
> FN:John Doe
> EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:jd at email.com
> EMAIL;TYPE=WORK:john.dow at mail.com
> TEL;TYPE=CELL,HOME,VOICE:+1 5555 555 555
> N:Doe;John;;;
> Exported from Client
> PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.11.1//EN
> N:Doe;John;;;
> FN:John Doe
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME;type=pref:jd at email.com
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK:john.dow at mail.com
> TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;type=pref:+1 5555 555 555
> UID:20151103090606.TyESyhrsEXKe9kKHPbpyIgz at macbook.hsconsulting.com.au
> X-ABUID:DFC6A6D3-258E-450D-B47B-5CE30FE24CEE:ABPerson
> Following is after client (OS/X Contacts) edit exported von Horde
> UID:20151103090606.TyESyhrsEXKe9kKHPbpyIgz at macbook.hsconsulting.com.au
> FN:John Doe
> EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:jd at email.com
> EMAIL;TYPE=WORK:john.dow at mail.com
> TEL;TYPE=CELL,VOICE:+1 5555 555 555
> TEL;TYPE=CELL,HOME,VOICE:+1 5555 555 555
> N:Doe;John;;;
> Exported from Client
> PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.11.1//EN
> N:Doe;John;;;
> FN:John Doe
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME;type=pref:jd at email.com
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK:john.dow at mail.com
> TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;type=pref:+1 5555 555 555
> TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE:+1 5555 555 555
> UID:20151103090606.TyESyhrsEXKe9kKHPbpyIgz at macbook.hsconsulting.com.au
> X-ABUID:DFC6A6D3-258E-450D-B47B-5CE30FE24CEE:ABPerson
> Regards,
> Horst

I can't reproduce this.  If I import the vCard below into Horde when  
the contact does not already exist:

> PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.11.1//EN
> N:Doe;John;;;
> FN:John Doe
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME;type=pref:jd at email.com
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK:john.dow at mail.com
> TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;type=pref:+1 5555 555 555
> UID:20151103090606.TyESyhrsEXKe9kKHPbpyIgz at macbook.hsconsulting.com.au
> X-ABUID:DFC6A6D3-258E-450D-B47B-5CE30FE24CEE:ABPerson

Then in  Horde, I see exactly only the cellPhone field populated,  
which is correct. No other phone fields are filled in. If I export  
this contact, I see:

UID:20151103090606.TyESyhrsEXKe9kKHPbpyIgz at macbook.hsconsulting.com.au
FN:John Doe
EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:jd at email.com
EMAIL:jd at email.com
EMAIL:john.dow at mail.com
EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:jd at email.com
EMAIL;TYPE=WORK:john.dow at mail.com
TEL;TYPE=CELL,VOICE:+1 5555 555 555

It looks like what is happening to you is that your client does not  
recognize the homeCellPhone field (it's only exporting 'CELL,VOICE',  
not 'CELL,VOICE,HOME'. So, when it's updated within Horde, it sees  
that as the CELL,VOICE field. This is really a client error/issue, and  
not a Horde issue. We are importing the data as provided.

The Horde Project
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