[vilma] The dot in "user@dom.tld" causes problems with cyrus

Jean-Michel besnard besnard at tekkno.net
Sat Feb 12 01:28:26 PST 2005


Using cyrus 1.5.x, latest horde/vilma, I have created a domain "bar.org" and
then tried to add a user "foo" to it.

Since cyrus considers the "." as a separator it actually understands that I
mean to add a folder "org" to the (supposely already existing) account
"foo at bar". 

With not dot in the domain name, everything works fine, though it becomes
useless since domains do have at leat one dot.

So, it seems that cyrus-1.5.x only understands "." as a separator, thus I don't
really see any way around my current problem.

Any ideas ?


Jean-Michel Besnard

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