[vilma] [PATCH] conf.xml

Xavier Perseguers devel at perseguers.no-ip.com
Thu Apr 28 15:46:09 PDT 2005

The patch I suggest is intended to allow automatically administer 
(create/update/delete) LDAP address books as explained below.

I have installed and configured Turba in such a way that each domain 
gets its own Organizational Unit (ou) and for each domain, each user is 
granted access to its own address book:


each user being stored in the standard 'people' Organizational Unit:


My patch allows the administrator to configure vilma to create the 
required structure within the LDAP tree when adding new domains, 
deleting existing domains and adding or removing mailboxes (that is, in 
the end, users)

I think alpha's stage of vilma allows you to take the opportunity to 
build a way to the Turba module and simplify its administration.

Thanks in advance for your answer
Xavier Perseguers
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