[vilma] Anyone working on LDAP Storage Driver?

Kevin M. Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Sat Nov 5 16:20:48 PST 2005

Has anyone worked on a LDAP Storage Driver for Vilma?  I'd like to 
replace a home-grown in-house application for mail account management 
with one that is integrated with Horde.  Our account info is stored in 
LDAP and I'm debating whether I should try to write a new LDAP Storage 
Driver (or extend an existing one if someone has one written in-house), 
or if I should just extend the existing Horde user management utilities 
(non-Vilma) to handle the mailbox creation, and add the few 
mail-related attributes to the LDAP account creation code (and I think 
there's a hook that could actually do all of that).

In looking at the SQL driver it looks like its geared toward sites that 
have the need to manage virtual domains, and my needs would be much 
simpler than that, so I'm leaning toward a non-Vilma approach.  But I'm 
curious if anyone using Vilma has some LDAP code they've developed.


Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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