[whups] Using whups moving forward

Mike Baptiste mike@msbnetworks.net
Thu Nov 7 15:53:37 2002

Hash: SHA1

We're using IMP for backend authentication if that matters.  With WHups
installed, we created a top level group called IT Support.  It never
showed up.

OK - so we threw in Nag and Mnemo which created two groups called
nag:shares and mnemo:shares.  Suddenly THOSE showed up in teh group
chooser in teh comment window.

Well, on a lark, I create a group whups:IT Support and threw my users in
there -viola!  They showed up.  Course even with this set, guests can
still read the comments (I'm working on that)

On a side note - really easy patch.  I felt it good to have a login
window in teh menu bar if a guest was using whups (vs having to bounce
to Horde home to login)  That way we can link directly to /horde/whups
with guest access turned on an easily login.

cvs diff menu.inc
Index: menu.inc
RCS file: /repository/whups/templates/menu/menu.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -r1.8 menu.inc
| /* Display Login Button For Guests */
| if (!Auth::getAuth()) {
|     Menu::printItem(Auth::getLoginScreen(), _("Login"), 'login.gif',
$registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde'));
| }

That patch took me hours :)  No but seriously we're starting small and
adding things as we get familiar with the code layout.

One interesting bug is when you go to add 'Users responsible for a
module' you get two identical user fields instead of just one.  Even
wilder, if you REMOVE a user, you end up with dupliicate pulldown user
menus and only one user tag.  Seems to be a bug in teh rendering - maybe
because of the hidden variable.  I dug into this last night but didn't
get too far.

Another thing I'm looking into is the email notification seems to strip
out many line feeds causing any list data or other formatted text to
geet crammed together in the email - very hard to read.

But - minor gotchas aside, we're at 100 tickets and counting in our
Whups install already.

Oh yeah - I see the atatchment tables in teh DB - has any coding been
done on this yet (I haven't had a chance to look yet)  This is one area
we're hoping to tackle soon.  Has any thought been givin to using the
new VFS stuff for attachments?  If not, should the attachment_body field
be a long blob instead?

Did't mean to unload - just have been busy getting whups up and running
with our team and had queued a bunch of these up.


Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

| Quoting Mike Baptiste :
| >Yes, we've messed with this and have a group 'IT Support' which we are
| >members of but it doesn't show up in the comment group chooser.  We're
| >digging into it.
| >
| >Also - when adding users to the Module (users responsible for this
| >module) we often get 2 userid fields instead of one and have to put the
| >userid in there twice to get a userid added to a whups module.  If we
| >get a patch I'll send it on - buut its more of a minor annoyance.
| These aren't things that I'm seeing. :( If you can get me a way to
| reproduce them, I'll look into it more.
| -chuck
| --
| Charles Hagenbuch,
| "People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
|  - Google, thanks to Harpers

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