[whups] WHUPS Status?

Lee Nash lee@compucrew.com
Wed Nov 13 21:34:28 2002

Quoting adam@morrison-ind.com:

> The WHUPS website provides basically no information,  but from the list
> archives
> it looks like some people are using this on a day-to-day basis.  And it sound
> like it might be just what I'm looking for.
> Is there anyplace one can get the current status - features
> working/implemented/planned, etc...
> I have CVS Horde/IMP/Turba/Kronolith/nag/mnemo running on my devel box.

I would check the mailing list archives and the whups/docs/CHANGES file.

Since your already running a CVS site, I would go ahead and checkout
whups and have a go at it.  Then post your comments and ideas or, better
yet, patches!!


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