[whups] whups mods...

Robert E. Coyle robertecoyle@hotmail.com
Wed Nov 20 20:11:39 2002

From: "Gary Weinreb" <gweinreb@rocksolidsystems.com>

> Attached are 4 diff files, all for whups.  One for each of admin.php,
> lib/Admin.php, lib/Create.php, lib/Driver/sql.php.

I don't know what you're trying to achieve with this - why do you need to
make so many duplicates of types that you need to have a special mechanism
to do it?  Why can't you define a type that fits your tracking model and use
it for all your tickets?

Also, it looks like you're trying to link to the edit states page while creating
a ticket (although you're using $statelink and $prioritylink in Create.php but
never setting these values).  Why on earth do you want to do this??  You should
be creating the states before creating tickets.  I can't imagine why you would
want to change the state flow process when you have tickets moving through it.

> Any suggestions on how to better organize myself to keep up and remain
> productive would be appreciated...  I'm using GNU's CVS client on a Win2k
> workstation for my HEAD updates, and haven't really gotten my linux cvs
> configured correctly to work with ya'll's repository...  I think that'll help...

You don't need to use a separate diff program - cvs has a 'cvs diff' command.
You should be checking out the source, editing it in place, use 'cvs update' to
merge other peoples changes into your local copy, then 'cvs diff -u' to create a
diff to send to the list.

See http://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/


10: Sin
20: Goto Hell
  - From the Futurama Robot Church

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