[whups] Autolink of Ticket References in Comments

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu Nov 21 21:23:41 2002

Quoting Mike Baptiste <mike@msbnetworks.net>:

> I made it a user preference vs a global preference.  I was on the fence
> about this one (I almost put it in conf.php) and opted to let the user
> choose.  Another option might be to have the conf file contain the
> search regex and the user enable/disable the autolinking itself.

I think that would be much better. Would also alleviate any concerns you
express below:

> Also, you'll note that I put the code AFTER the comment is stripped of
> HTML, which means someone MIGHT be able to set their search phrase in a
> way that lets them return HTML in ticket views - I guess I could put in
> a strip at the end.  I wanted to put the added code higher up before
> htmlSpaces and enableCapitalLinks, but the Horde::link method retusn a
> lower case <a


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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