[whups] AttributeForm question

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri Nov 22 17:08:22 2002

Quoting Mike Baptiste <mike@msbnetworks.net>:

> In other words, doesn't this:
> ~        if (isset($grouptype)) {
> ~            $this->addVariable(_("Viewable only by members of"),
> 'group', $grouptype, true);
> ~        }
> require the following to be called earlier in the method:
> ~        $groups = &Group::singleton();
> ~        $grouplist = $groups->getGroupMemberships(Auth::getAuth());
> ~        if (count($grouplist)) {
> ~            $grouptype = _getEnumType(array(0 => _("Any Group")) +
> $grouplist);
> ~        }

Yes; my guess is that Robert didn't get to implementing it completely, and
so left it out that way. I'll look at it when I get a chance, or I'm sure
he'll get to it at some point too.

> That's how the other group restrictable classes seem to function.  Just
> thought I'd mention it.  I'd spin a patch, but my Search.php has a bunch
> of other stuff added to it so it would be ugly :)  With any luck I'll be
> adding attachments via VFS to tickets by the weekend.



Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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