[whups] Only Admin can create or edit tickets...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jan 6 14:26:08 PST 2003

Quoting Bill Hilburn <bhilburn at frontier.net>:

> Forgive me, just to clarify...


> The user OR group that is marked as 'responsible for this module' needs
> assigned permissions which in this case is the group 'Network?

Right now you cannot make a group "responsible for this module". Users who
are responsible for a module need to have permissions inherited somehow, yes.

> Which would mean at this point in development the group permissions are
> not taking precedence over user permissions OR the least (stricktest)
> permission wins...  Correct?

The most permissive wins - the user's permission, or whatever permissions
they have through group memberships.

> Horde (HEAD) and whups as of 1:00 AM this morning...

Nevermind. I read you as saying that you had an old install.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"Block Island Ferry - Fastest Route to Downtown"

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