[whups] client reporting

Bo Daley bo at tilda.com.au
Wed Aug 13 19:31:08 PDT 2003

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> > I tried this a few different ways, and something like the attached patch is
> > about the only way I can see this working without causing the server to
> grind
> > to a complete halt!
> Hmm, maybe we'll leave this out for now. But thanks!

Yep it doesn't sit too well with the nice clean code of all the other graphs.

The real problem here is that data from the Links API doesn't get returned in
the main whups getTicketsByProperties() function.. And for large lists of
tickets it's not efficient to use the client filtering functions as they are
too slow. I guess this is just the limitation of using the Links API for this
stuff.. hmm..


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