[whups] Client Links with Modules

Mike Bydalek mbydalek at zivix.com
Mon Nov 24 20:04:58 PST 2003

> > client I chose.  Then, when I goto create a Ticket for that Module, I get
> the
> > "There are no clients associated with this module."
> This should be fixed now in CVS. Thanks for finding that one.
Still not working, unless I'm doing something WAY wrong.

>From the table below, it's impossible for a1.attribute_name to ever equal 
a5.attribute_name (which is in the query).

I just cvs update'd 2 mins ago and still no go.  Also, I created an entirely new
module with no luck.  Additionally, if I select some clients when I create/edit
a module, and go back into it, none of the clients are highlighted.

If you need any additional information, let me know.


mysql> SELECT DISTINCT a1.category_id, c.category_name FROM horde_categories c
LEFT JOIN horde_category_attributes a1 ON a1.category_id = c.category_id LEFT
JOIN horde_category_attributes a2 ON a2.category_id = c.category_id LEFT JOIN
horde_category_attributes a3 ON a3.category_id = c.category_id LEFT JOIN
horde_category_attributes a4 ON a4.category_id = c.category_id LEFT JOIN
horde_category_attributes a5 ON a5.category_id = c.category_id WHERE
c.group_uid = 'horde.links' AND ((a1.attribute_name = 'link_params' AND
a1.attribute_key = 'link_type' AND a1.attribute_value = 'tickets/client') AND
a2.attribute_name = 'link_params' AND a2.attribute_key = 'from_application' AND
a2.attribute_value = 'tickets' AND a3.attribute_name = 'link_params' AND
a3.attribute_key = 'to_application' AND a3.attribute_value = 'clients' AND
a4.attribute_name = 'from_params' AND a4.attribute_key = 'from_key' AND
a4.attribute_value = 'module_id' AND a5.attribute_name = 'from_params' AND
a5.attribute_key = 'from_value' AND a5.attribute_value = '1')  AND
a1.attribute_name = a1.attribute_name AND a1.attribute_name = a2.attribute_name
AND a1.attribute_name = a3.attribute_name AND a1.attribute_name =
a4.attribute_name AND a1.attribute_name = a5.attribute_name;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM `horde_category_attributes` WHERE `category_id` = 1670;
| category_id | attribute_name | attribute_key    | attribute_value             
|        1670 | link_params    | link_type        | tickets/client              
|        1670 | link_params    | from_application | tickets                     
|        1670 | link_params    | to_application   | clients                     
|        1670 | from_params    | from_key         | module_id                   
|        1670 | from_params    | from_value       | 1                           
|        1670 | to_params      | source           | localsql                    
|        1670 | to_params      | to_value         |
1aeda8fbdbf95a88e519930a92357d3b |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

> bo.
> --
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