[whups] E-Mail Notification on Ticket Chagnes

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jul 20 19:51:02 PDT 2004

Quoting Mike Bydalek <mbydalek at mobilemini.com>:

> This makes sense...but by deleting the notify*() methods and leaving just
> the notifyTicket() one, are you going to use this to to differentiate
> between New Ticket, New Comment, New Attachment, etc.?  I'm just curious as
> to which way you are thinking of going.

It'll all be done in Ticket.php (as part of commit(), with a possible 
for new tickets, but probably createTicket() will just be moved into
Ticket.php) when it's done. All relevant info will be in one email.

> But since you requested a specific, one is in either _formatComments
> (Driver.php) or permissionsFilter (Whups.php) - depending on how you think
> it should be addressed.  Basically _formatComments tried to call
> $comments['comment_text'] when it's not even set by the permissionsFilter.
> So, for now, I just added a couple lines in the permissionsFilter to create
> this key.
> And, to avoid the ever-so-famous "patch?" - I attached what I did.  I
> thought the permissionsFilter was more appropriate since in order to
> accomplish this in the formatComments, it basically required the same code.

Committed for now, thanks.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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