[whups] Ticket creation through email

Stuart K. Bingë list at codefusion.co.za
Tue Aug 17 01:21:29 PDT 2004

Hello Chuck,

On Monday, 16 August 2004 17:49, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting "Stuart K. Bingë" <list at codefusion.co.za>:
> > From the investigation I've done so far it doesn't look as though this is
> > something that is possible. If it is possible, is their some sort of
> > documentation available that details how to set this all up? If it is not
> > possible, however, then are there any plans to add this feature at some
> > point in the future?
> When you or someone else has time to finish it.

Well it seems to be possible to add new tickets via email (through 
scripts/mail-filter.php), however the appending comments to existing messages 
functionality appears to be lacking.

This is definitely a feature that I am interested in, so I'll have a go at 
adding it in sometime soon.


Stuart Bingë
Code Fusion cc.

Office: +27 11 673 0411
Mobile: +27 83 298 9727
Email: s.binge at codefusion.co.za

Tailored email solutions; Kolab specialists.

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