[whups] Error from mail-filter

Joaquim Homrighausen joho at webbplatsen.se
Wed Sep 22 14:45:21 PDT 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Certainly looks that way. Would help to have a full error message, 
> which is no doubt logged by Horde.

Duh (#2 in the past few minutes ;)

I forgot I had enabled Horde logging to the database instead of a flat file.
Here's the output when the mail filter fails:

[whups] DB Error: constraint violation: INSERT INTO whups_guests (guest_id,
guest_email)  VALUES ('-10', NULL) [nativecode=1048 ** Column 'guest_email'
cannot be null] [on line 217 of "/horde/whups/lib/Driver/sql.php"]


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