[whups] Whups as Helpdesk CVS Diff

mbydalek at mobilemini.com mbydalek at mobilemini.com
Thu Nov 4 06:48:55 PST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Hagenbuch [mailto:chuck at horde.org] 
> Would you be willing to create an enhancement ticket on 
> bugs.horde.org 
> to track
> this? Seperating the patches as much as possible would be 
> great, but just posting your descriptions here and the 
> unified diff would be wonderful.

Sure, I can do this, but am just not sure about the best way to do it.  Were
you thinking of 1 bug per change I made along with the patch for just those
changes, and then so on and so forth?  The problem is that I've stacked
changes per say, so like my first enhancement is used by, say, 4 others.  So
would you like 5 bugs, or 4 where I include the first base change in all 4?

I want to make this the easiest for you guys, but any help getting my stuff
organized would appreciated.


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