[whups] Where to get details on the permissions system

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Jan 6 21:41:32 PST 2006

Quoting Barry Flanagan <barryf-lists at flanagan.ie>:

> Is there any documentation on how to set up permissions as they apply to
> Whups?
> My needs are simple: I want authenticated users to be able to submit
> tickets in a number of queues, and to read/update their own, but not to
> have access to other users' tickets.

I don't _think_ this is really possible with the current state of  
Whups, but I agree that it _should_ be. It seems like there are two  
components to solving this:

- use "object creator" permissions so creators of tickets have  
different perms than other user who'd otherwise have the same rights  
to the queue

- add an explicit CREATE permission to Whups to differentiate between  
being able to create a ticket and being able to edit it.

That sound right to folks? If so, Barry, if you'd be so kind as to  
create an enhancement ticket on bugs.horde.org so this doesn't get  
lost, it'd be greatly appreciated.


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