[whups] New Feature in WHUPS

Manilal K M libregeek at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 06:06:46 PDT 2006

On 17/06/06, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Manilal K M <libregeek at gmail.com>:
> > Hello all,
> >   I have installed and tested whups for my company. I would like to
> > have a feature in whups. I wish to select the Queue Type from the list
> > and then the Queue Name.
> > For Example we have different types of tickets like Technical,
> > Business, Administration etc..
> > The Queue Type: Technical will have Queues like *System Administration
> > Tasks*, *Networking Issues* etc.. Once the Queue Type is selected, it
> > will list out only the corresponding Queues. So this will reduce the
> > length of Select box in which Queues appear.
> > Will such a feature makes sense for whups?
> No. You want to use types as sub-queues, but that's not their purpose.
> Also, why don't you switch the meaning of queues and types instead.
> Set your queues to Business, Administration, etc.
> Jan.

Sounds Good, But the problem is, I have to either change all the
terminology in WHUPS or educate my colleagues  to interpret Queues as
Types and Types as Queues. However it's not an urgent issue now, so
the current setup will do good.
IMHO, it will be nice to give provision to create sub-queues and
provide a configuration which will determine whether to use the
sub-queue feature will be good. So if people don't want the sub-queue
feature can avoid it.


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