[whups] Stable Working Copy

Chris whups at mackay.co.uk
Fri Mar 30 08:03:35 UTC 2007

Good Morning and many thanks for the responses,

I tried to use the latest CSV version, unfortunately to no avail.  I did 
look more closely at the error messages produced though and after that 
decided to go back to using the latest stable Horde (3.1.4 March 14 
2007).  I managed to find three lines of code that needed to be changed 
for me to get it to function:

Changed line 119 of whups/lib/Forms/CreateTicket.php
        $this->addVariable(_("Due Date"), 'due', 'datetime', false, false);
        $this->addVariable(_("Due Date"), 'due', 'date', false, false);

Changed line 676 of whups/lib/Ticket.php
        $this->addVariable(_("Due"), 'due', 'datetime', false, true, 
null, $date_params);
        $this->addVariable(_("Due"), 'due', 'date', false, true, null, 

Changed line 31 of whups/lib/Forms/EditTicket.php
        $this->addVariable(_("Due Date"), 'due', 'datetime', false, 
false, null, array($start_year));
        $this->addVariable(_("Due Date"), 'due', 'date', false, false, 
null, array($start_year));

As you can see there seems to be a problem with the "datetime" variable, 
this may be my copy or not but..., a simple update to "date" makes it 
all work, well for me anyway. 

There maybe something I've missed on the Horde side but I'm sitting 
happy now :o).


Jon Spriggs wrote:

> Hi there Chris,
> I encountered this issue, it's because you need the CVS version of 
> Horde as well. This will resolve this issue.
> Regards,
> Jon
> On 28/03/07, * Chris* <whups at mackay.co.uk <mailto:whups at mackay.co.uk>> 
> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I have downloaded a CVS copy of the latest WHUPS software but
>     attempting
>     to create a new ticket brings up the error:
>           Nonexistant class "Horde_Form_Type_datetime" for field type
>     "datetime"
>     |[line 146 of /var/www/htdocs/horde/lib/Horde/Form.php]
>     |I have searched in vain for the elusive stable copy.  Does one exist
>     and does anybody know where I can download it from?  Or is there a
>     simple fix for the error above?
>     Many Thanks,
>     Chris
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