[wicked] [patch] minor fix

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed May 12 15:40:50 PDT 2004

I committed something similar, thanks!

Zitat von Mij <mij at bitchx.it>:

> the mlm seems to strip attachments.
> put on
> http://www.metraimmobiliare
> .com/trash/StandardPage.php.patch
> Il giorno 13/mag/04, alle 00:00, Mij ha scritto:
>> there's a problem handling errors when storing a page.
>> driver's updateText() function returns an object on errors,
>> so if ($wicked->updateText()) doesn't behave correctly
>> telling the user the page has been saved when there's
>> been errors too.
>> that's the fix.


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