Complete [wicked] I can only create and modify WikiHome. All new
pages are saved back to WikiHome
Edwin Culp
eculp at
Sun Sep 5 14:56:28 PDT 2004
Previous sent by accident, sorry.
cvs update this afternoon, new framework, pear upgraded, etc.
For a couple of days, I can only create and modify WikiHome. All
new pages are now being saved back to WikiHome. I've never seen
this before and have no idea what is happening. AFAIK, I
haven't changed my configuration.
I erased all the wicked tables and started clean. The following
is the only entry in the wicked tables. I changed
scripts/data/WikiHome and this was created on entry to wicked.
-- Dumping data for table `wicked_pages`
INSERT INTO wicked_pages VALUES ('WikiHome','I\'m creating this
new WikiHome as a test for page
creation.\n',1,0,1,0,1094415443,'eculp at worldi',NULL);
I add a WikiWord and the old page is history ;)
-- Dumping data for table `wicked_history`
INSERT INTO wicked_history VALUES ('WikiHome','I\'m creating this
new WikiHome as a test for page
creation.\n',1,0,1094415443,'eculp at worldint',NULL);
This is the new page.
-- Dumping data for table `wicked_pages`
INSERT INTO wicked_pages VALUES ('WikiHome','I\'m creating this
new WikiHome as a test for page creation.\r\n\r\nThis should be
a new CustomW
ikiPage',2,0,1,1,1094420891,'eculp at','');
I'll now try to add something to CustomWikiPage.
-- Dumping data for table `wicked_history`
INSERT INTO wicked_history VALUES ('WikiHome','I\'m creating this
new WikiHome as a test for page
creation.\n',1,0,1094415443,'eculp at worldint',NULL);
INSERT INTO wicked_history VALUES ('WikiHome','I\'m creating this
new WikiHome as a test for page creation.\r\n\r\nThis should be a
new Custo
mWikiPage',1,1,1094420891,'eculp at','');
There is no new page. The WikiHome now has content of what
should have been the new page.
Thanks and I hope this isn't too confusing,
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