Complete [wicked] I can only create and modify WikiHome. All new pages are saved back to WikiHome

Edwin Culp eculp at
Mon Sep 6 16:20:56 PDT 2004

Quoting Paul Wagland <paul at>:

> On Sun 05 Sep 2004 11:56:28 PM CEST, Edwin Culp wrote:
>> Previous sent by accident, sorry.
>> cvs update this afternoon, new framework, pear upgraded, etc.
>> For a couple of days, I can only create and modify WikiHome.  All
>> new pages are now being saved back to WikiHome.  I've never seen
>> this before and have no idea what is happening.  AFAIK, I
>> haven't changed my configuration.
> Oh I know that this doesn't help you at all... but I have exactly the same
> problem. Thankfully I haven't changed much in the last few days, as I
> have made
> a few updates without watching carefully as to what was happening.
> I am going to try the latest fresh CVS, and see how that goes, but I have not
> seen any changes of note...

It helps tremendously.  At least I know I'm not alone ;)  as they
say misery loves company.


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