[wicked] DB Constraint error on update

Brian Martinez martinez_brain at hotmail.com
Wed May 4 11:01:33 PDT 2005


Here is the debug output from Horde during the Wiki attachment update:

May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Wicked_Driver_sql::_retrieve(): 
SELECT * FROM wicked_pages WHERE page_name = 'Management' [on line 668 of 
May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::_buildParentIds(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents FROM 
horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = 'wicked' AND group_uid = 'horde.perms' 
ORDER BY datatree_id [on line 257 of 
May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::_load(): 
SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_parents, c.datatree_order 
FROM horde_datatree c WHERE c.group_uid = 'horde.perms'  AND 
(c.datatree_parents LIKE ':1358%' OR c.datatree_id = 1358) [on line 118 of 
May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::getData(): 
SELECT datatree_data, datatree_serialized FROM horde_datatree WHERE 
datatree_id = 1396 [on line 1020 of 
May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Wicked_Driver_sql::_retrieve(): 
SELECT * FROM wicked_pages WHERE page_name = 'Management' [on line 668 of 
May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Wicked_Driver_sql::_retrieve(): 
SELECT * FROM wicked_attachments WHERE page_id = 221 [on line 668 of 
May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Wicked_Driver_sql::_retrieve(): 
SELECT * FROM wicked_attachments WHERE page_id = 0 AND attachment_name = 
'STB_V2_2.mpp' [on line 668 of 
May 04 10:56:32 HORDE [debug] [wicked] DB Error: constraint violation: 
INSERT INTO wicked_attachments (page_id, attachment_majorversion, 
attachment_minorversion, change_log, change_author, attachment_created, 
attachment_name) VALUES ( 221, 1, 0, 'test', 'hordemgr', 1115229392, 
'STB_V2_2.mpp' ); [nativecode=1062 ** Duplicate entry '221-STB_V2_2.mpp' for 
key 1] [on line 162 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Notification.php"]

>From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
>To: wicked at lists.horde.org
>Subject: Re: [wicked] DB Constraint error on update
>Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 14:02:43 -0400
>Quoting Brian Martinez <martinez_brain at hotmail.com>:
> > I'm still unable to perform updates to attachments in Wicked due to:
> >
> >  DB Error: constraint violation
> >
> > Has there been any other reports of this issue?
>No. And this is meaningless without the *actual* error message from the
>Horde log.
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