[wicked] head update

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Oct 13 00:17:54 PDT 2006

Zitat von Douglas Phillips <doug at sbscomp.net>:

>> I got rid of the error messages by turning them ALL off.
>> Unfortunitly I need register_globals = on
> I haven't been able to mess with this much lately - everything's been pretty
> crazy around here, but here's something I came up with a while back and
> havent chased down yet.
> This is a print_r() output of the $_SESSION[ 'wicked' ] variable -- the
> value being an object.  So I don't know if the object is not handling the
> history element (or doesn't have it).

This is $GLOBALS['wicked'] which should never ever be $_SESSION['wicked'].


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