[wicked] Malformed text links when not logged in ::wicked-HEAD-2007-01-05

Aaron Segura Aaron.Segura at cabelas.com
Fri Jan 5 14:27:02 PST 2007

I should also mention that these links are created using the

((Name/Of/Wiki/Page|Wiki Link Text)) 

Formatting.  However, the behavior is still exhibited if I used the 

[Name/Of/WikiPage Wiki Link Text] 



-----Original Message-----
From: wicked-bounces at lists.horde.org
[mailto:wicked-bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Aaron Segura
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 3:20 PM
To: wicked at lists.horde.org
Subject: [wicked] Malformed text links when not logged in


      We've been having a slight problem here with the wicked wiki.
(nice name on that one, by the way)


      We set up the names of our wiki pages using a sort of hierarchy...


-          Procedures/App Servers/

-          Procedures/App Servers/Restarting

-          Procedures/Web Servers/Modifying Redirects

-          Resources/Scripts/

-          Resources/Network Diagrams/


Stuff like that.  Everything works great unless a guest-user (ie, not
logged in) is browsing the wiki and comes across a link to a page which
doesn't exist yet.  If the link to the page contains any sort of
characters other than [A-Za-z0-9], they are displayed in their
urlencode()'d format.


For example, the "Procedures/Nightly Process" link looks normal to
anyone who is logged in, but for guests, it appears as
"Procedures%2FNightly%20Process", with no little red question-mark image
next to it (question.png).


I had been running the HEAD-2006-12-06 nightly snapshot, but upgraded to
HEAD-2007-01-05 snapshot this morning (for Horde, Whups, and Wicked) in
an effort to fix the problem.  Still exists.  


Permissions for Wicked are:

Authenticated Users: SHOW/READ

Guest Permissions: SHOW/READ

Creator Permissions: SHOW/READ/EDIT

Individual Users: 

Groups: 'Site Admins' SHOW/READ/EDIT/DELETE


Permissions for Wicked->Pages is exactly the same.


I've been looking through the code to try and fix it myself, but,
unfortunately, I don't quite understand what's going on.  I've tried
tweaking a couple things in
wicked/lib/Text_Wiki/Render/Xhtml/Attribute.php and wicked/lib/Page.php,
to no avail. 


Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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