[horde] Turba LDAP Contact Lists

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Tue Apr 14 01:09:08 UTC 2009

I have Turba 2.3.1 in an LDAP backend configuration (Horde 3.3.4rc1).

LDAP address books are working fine, shared and personal, for add /  
edit / delete. However when I try and create a Contact List (select  
contacts, Add to a Contact List - Shared Address Book, give it a  
name), it tells me "There was an error creating a new list".

My LDAP server has the following error message:

Apr 14 10:57:34 server01 slapd[2776]: conn=2475 op=2 RESULT tag=105  
err=65 text=object class 'inetOrgPerson' requires attribute 'sn'

It is generating a name for it OK - previous LDAP log entry is:

server01 slapd[2776]: Entry  
(uid=20090414105734.18132bcih8razipq at mail.simonandkate.net,ou=simon,ou=personal_addressbook,dc=simonandkate,dc=lan): object class 'inetOrgPerson' requires attribute  

Is there a way to tell the submission query to not try and use  
inetOrgPerson for a new list entry as opposed to a new contact?

Also, can someone please confirm - I have Horde LDAP Groups  
(Administration - Groups) working fine, creating new groups, adding  
members, etc, but that is just for permissions isn't it, not  
membership lists or anything like that? I haven't been able to find  
much about Horde Groups online...

Simon Wilson

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