[horde] Horde still not working...

Michael Christopher Robinson plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Mon Apr 10 19:09:09 UTC 2017

On Mon, 2017-04-10 at 11:33 -0700, Michael Christopher Robinson wrote:
> Good catch on the cahe misspelling.  I fixed that and will see if the
> imap connection starts working now.  It has always worked in
> test.php,
> but now that I hear that php-imap is unnecessary I realize I did a
> lot
> of work for nothing :-(
> One concern, backends.local.php and conf.php don't seem to agree with
> regards to the IMAP server.  One says port 993, the other says 143. 
> One says tls, the other says ssl.

Did I configure PHP properly before compiling it?

./configure --prefix=/usr                \
            --sysconfdir=/etc            \
            --localstatedir=/var         \
	    --datadir=/usr/share/php     \
            --mandir=/usr/share/man      \
            --enable-fpm                 \
            --with-fpm-user=apache       \
            --with-fpm-group=apache      \
            --enable-intl                \
            --with-config-file-path=/etc \
            --with-zlib                  \
            --enable-bcmath              \
            --with-bz2                   \
            --enable-calendar            \
            --enable-dba=shared          \
            --with-gdbm                  \
            --with-gmp                   \
            --enable-ftp                 \
            --with-mysqli=shared         \
	    --with-pdo-mysql=shared	 \
            --with-pgsql                 \
            --with-pdo-pgsql             \
            --with-gettext               \
            --enable-mbstring            \
            --with-gd                    \
            --with-openssl               \
            --with-tidy                  \
            --with-ldap                  \
            --with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2007f \
            --with-imap-ssl              \

Is the following list of horde packages what I should have installed?

[root at xerxes admin]# pear list -c horde
Installed packages, channel pear.horde.org:
Package                      Version State
Horde_ActiveSync             2.38.2  stable
Horde_Alarm                  2.2.8   stable
Horde_Argv                   2.0.12  stable
Horde_Auth                   2.2.1   stable
Horde_Autoloader             2.1.2   stable
Horde_Browser                2.0.13  stable
Horde_Cache                  2.5.5   stable
Horde_Cli                    2.1.0   stable
Horde_Compress               2.1.6   stable
Horde_Compress_Fast          1.1.1   stable
Horde_Constraint             2.0.3   stable
Horde_Controller             2.0.4   stable
Horde_Core                   2.28.3  stable
Horde_Crypt                  2.7.6   stable
Horde_Crypt_Blowfish         1.1.2   stable
Horde_CssMinify              1.0.3   stable
Horde_Css_Parser             1.0.11  stable
Horde_Data                   2.1.4   stable
Horde_Date                   2.3.2   stable
Horde_Date_Parser            2.0.6   stable
Horde_Dav                    1.1.4   stable
Horde_Db                     2.4.0   stable
Horde_Editor                 2.0.4   stable
Horde_ElasticSearch          1.0.3   stable
Horde_Exception              2.0.8   stable
Horde_Feed                   2.0.4   stable
Horde_Form                   2.0.17  stable
Horde_Group                  2.1.1   stable
Horde_HashTable              1.2.6   stable
Horde_History                2.3.6   stable
Horde_Http                   2.1.7   stable
Horde_Icalendar              2.1.6   stable
Horde_Idna                   1.1.0   stable
Horde_Image                  2.4.0   stable
Horde_Imap_Client            2.29.12 stable
Horde_Imsp                   2.0.9   stable
Horde_Injector               2.0.5   stable
Horde_Itip                   2.1.2   stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify       1.1.3   stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify_Jsmin 1.0.2   stable
Horde_Kolab_Format           2.0.9   stable
Horde_Kolab_Server           2.0.5   stable
Horde_Kolab_Session          2.0.3   stable
Horde_Kolab_Storage          2.2.3   stable
Horde_Ldap                   2.4.0   stable
Horde_ListHeaders            1.2.4   stable
Horde_Lock                   2.1.4   stable
Horde_Log                    2.3.0   stable
Horde_LoginTasks             2.0.7   stable
Horde_Mail                   2.6.3   stable
Horde_Mail_Autoconfig        1.0.3   stable
Horde_Mapi                   1.0.8   stable
Horde_Memcache               2.1.1   stable
Horde_Mime                   2.10.3  stable
Horde_Mime_Viewer            2.2.1   stable
Horde_Mongo                  1.1.0   stable
Horde_Nls                    2.2.1   stable
Horde_Notification           2.0.4   stable
Horde_Oauth                  2.0.3   stable
Horde_OpenXchange            1.0.0   stable
Horde_Pack                   1.0.7   stable
Horde_Pdf                    2.0.7   stable
Horde_Perms                  2.1.7   stable
Horde_Prefs                  2.8.1   stable
Horde_Queue                  1.1.4   stable
Horde_Rdo                    2.1.0   stable
Horde_Role                   1.0.1   stable
Horde_Routes                 2.0.5   stable
Horde_Rpc                    2.1.7   stable
Horde_Scribe                 2.0.2   stable
Horde_Secret                 2.0.6   stable
Horde_Serialize              2.0.5   stable
Horde_Service_Facebook       2.0.9   stable
Horde_Service_Gravatar       1.0.1   stable
Horde_Service_Twitter        2.1.5   stable
Horde_Service_Weather        2.5.4   stable
Horde_SessionHandler         2.2.9   stable
Horde_Share                  2.1.2   stable
Horde_Smtp                   1.9.4   stable
Horde_Socket_Client          2.1.1   stable
Horde_SpellChecker           2.1.3   stable
Horde_Stream                 1.6.3   stable
Horde_Stream_Filter          2.0.4   stable
Horde_Stream_Wrapper         2.1.3   stable
Horde_Stringprep             1.0.3   stable
Horde_Support                2.2.0   stable
Horde_SyncMl                 2.0.7   stable
Horde_Template               2.0.3   stable
Horde_Test                   2.6.2   stable
Horde_Text_Diff              2.2.0   stable
Horde_Text_Filter            2.3.5   stable
Horde_Text_Filter_Jsmin      1.0.2   stable
Horde_Text_Flowed            2.0.3   stable
Horde_Thrift                 2.0.2   stable
Horde_Timezone               1.1.0   stable
Horde_Token                  2.0.9   stable
Horde_Translation            2.2.2   stable
Horde_Tree                   2.0.4   stable
Horde_Url                    2.2.5   stable
Horde_Util                   2.5.8   stable
Horde_Vfs                    2.4.0   stable
Horde_View                   2.0.6   stable
Horde_Xml_Element            2.0.4   stable
Horde_Xml_Wbxml              2.0.3   stable
content                      2.0.5   stable
gollem                       3.0.10  stable
horde                        5.2.14  stable
horde_lz4                    1.0.10  stable
imp                          6.2.18  stable
ingo                         3.2.14  stable
kronolith                    4.2.20  stable
mnemo                        4.2.13  stable
nag                          4.2.14  stable
timeobjects                  2.1.3   stable
trean                        1.1.7   stable
turba                        4.2.19  stable
webmail                      5.2.19  stable
[root at xerxes admin]# 

What would be missing or misconfigured such that I cannot connect to
Dovecot IMAP server?  My imap server is set for SSL=required.

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