[imp] RC3 last login?

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Mon, 20 May 2002 17:50:05 -0600

Quoting Paul Reilly <pareilly@tcd.ie>:

| I'm still having problems getting the last login to display with IMP.
| The last time I had this working was RC1. I'm using MySQL as the pref
| storage, and I'm running on PHP 4.1.2
| [snip]
| Plus if I login and check the options, I can see that my entry in the
| MySQL horde_prefs table has a 'show_last_login' set to 1, plus the
| 'last_login' field is set to the correct timestamp. However it's just
| not being displayed. There's nothing in the error log.

This is not a MySQL problem - it is a problem with the Notification 
system.  It doesn't appear that the last login message is being propogated 
through the session correctly (I note that Horde::raiseMessage uses 
$hordeMessageStack and Notification:: uses $hordeMessageStacks - is this a 

Note that all this works fine with the new Notification system.  My 
question: does the old Notification system work throughout sessions?  i.e. 
if a message is raised in one page, will it correctly be seen on another 
page?  If not, the last_login stuff is completely useless for 3.1 - since 
it raises the notification message in redirect.php, but the message will 
not be displayed until the login mailbox is viewed (a completely different 
request).  If this is the case, what about converting the Notification 
stuff to the new system - which has been working quite well for some time 


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder