[imp] RC3 last login?

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Tue, 21 May 2002 01:58:21 +0200

Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> Quoting Paul Reilly <pareilly@tcd.ie>:
> | I'm still having problems getting the last login to display with IMP.
> | The last time I had this working was RC1. I'm using MySQL as the pref
> | storage, and I'm running on PHP 4.1.2
> |
> | [snip]
> |
> | Plus if I login and check the options, I can see that my entry in the
> | MySQL horde_prefs table has a 'show_last_login' set to 1, plus the
> | 'last_login' field is set to the correct timestamp. However it's just
> | not being displayed. There's nothing in the error log.
> | 
> This is not a MySQL problem - it is a problem with the Notification 
> system.  It doesn't appear that the last login message is being
> propogated 
> through the session correctly (I note that Horde::raiseMessage uses 
> $hordeMessageStack and Notification:: uses $hordeMessageStacks - is this
> a 
> problem).

This is intended.

> Note that all this works fine with the new Notification system.  My 
> question: does the old Notification system work throughout sessions? 


> i.e. 
> if a message is raised in one page, will it correctly be seen on another
> page?  If not, the last_login stuff is completely useless for 3.1 - since
> it raises the notification message in redirect.php, but the message will
> not be displayed until the login mailbox is viewed (a completely
> different 
> request).  If this is the case, what about converting the Notification 
> stuff to the new system - which has been working quite well for some time
> now?

Not possible, that would break backward compatibility.


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